You probably didn’t expect to find a tax relief lawyer when you got out of bed this morning. Most people seek out a tax relief lawyer when they receive a letter from IRS regarding back taxes dues, or to get an audit. An audit could be the result of one or more of your tax returns. You should consult a respected IRS tax relief attorney in either case.
Communications with the IRS
An IRS tax relief attorney will communicate with you on your behalf. They can assist you by attending your audit and helping to negotiate settlements, if needed. They may threaten to charge you with tax evasion if you ignore notices or letters from the IRS. You should consult a tax professional or lawyer once you have been identified as the subject of an IRS investigation.
Your attorney will assure the IRS that the investigation has been taken seriously. Your attorney will work with the IRS to ensure that your audit is smooth. They can also help reduce back taxes and negotiate a fair settlement.
Offer in Compromise Agreement
An offer in compromise (OIC), is a type agreement between the IRS to settle tax liabilities for less than what they owe. You and your attorney must prove to the IRS that you are eligible for an OIC.
- The amount requested by the client is not possible to be paid in full.
- The total tax liability is not clear.
- In exceptional circumstances, payment in full could cause hardship or be unfair.
You and your tax attorney must apply for and pay the OIC application fee, if applicable to your situation.
Fraud and Tax Evasion
The IRS can charge citizens with tax fraud and tax evasion for refusing to file returns or pay taxes. You could face fines, interest, prosecution fees and even imprisonment. You should hire an IRS tax lawyer if you notice that IRS agents have been sent directly to your office or home.
These types of investigations or charges should not be handled by you alone. You could be further incriminated if you speak to IRS officials without realizing it. It is best to have a tax attorney present whenever speaking with the IRS. IRS tax relief lawyers are familiar with the laws and can help you to get the best result. Contact a tax relief attorney if you’ve been audited recently or owe back taxes you cannot afford to pay.