How to Write Book Reviews for Other Authors

You should read non-fiction books if you are writing non-fiction. You might ask, “Why?” You may be asking yourself why. I know you are. You’ll need to read non-fiction to ensure your content is unique, valuable, and fresh.

Copy their books. This is a bad idea.

Use their books as inspiration for design, publication style, concept delivery and comparison. Your industry’s other writers are your direct connection to the rest of your industry. Befriend and connect with writers who are actively promoting information in your industry. They are your greatest assets.

Read Their Books –

Did you know that every review is read by writers? They do. Although they may claim they don’t or say they don’t care about negative reviews, they actually do. They remember and read good reviews, and they also remember the good reviewers. They will think about the thoughts and words of a good reviewer and often mention them on their blog. However, that’s not why you are writing the review.

You should review other writers in your industry to improve your ability recognize and comprehend good information. Your review should reflect the quality of the book. Even if the book is terrible, I encourage you not to write a negative review. Instead, find something positive to write about. You can mention the parts you find redundant or too long if it’s really bad. But be sure to highlight the good parts first. Make sure you have at least 100 words in your Amazon or Barnes and Noble review – seriously, if you are a writer, it is important that you can write at least 100 words about any topic.

Check out Their Blogs –

Is there a blog for this writer? Is there a discussion on Amazon? Visit their blog and leave comments on blog posts. Mention that you have read their books. Ask questions. Ask questions. Would you recommend any other writers? Do you have any suggestions for other writers? Ask a quantitative question.

You can expect them to respond to your comments and maybe even visit your blog. You could meet a new friend by interacting.

Invite them to review your books and visit your blogs –

Keep in mind the foundation of your interest. Establishing connections. Building relationships. Building relationships requires that you do whatever it takes to grow your audience. Do not let your guard down!

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